Saturday, 31 January 2009

Not enough British jobs for too many British people?

I had a thought yesterday, perhaps unfortunately whilst drinking a bottle of wine watching television, it had passed through my mind earlier in the day but it had just not quite manifested itself.

So, we are in a recession, jobs are being cut and the number of unemployed are increasing. So the obvious problem is that there aren't enough jobs although as the economic cycle comes around 180 degrees the problem will sort itself out. I do agree with that, boom follows recession but even then we will still have a huge number unemployed even when statistics call unemployment 'low'. So, how about a theory that we have enough jobs, but too many people? 

This is just a passing thought that metaphorically speaking is drawn on the back of a fag packet, but looking at the huge explosions of population in countries when they developed - the UK since the Industrial Revolution, China from the late 1900s - not only from an environmental point of view (finite resources, expanding population etc) but is it possible to create enough jobs for the amount of people in the world?!

Pure theory, but I would presume that an extra 'person' in the world, does not directly correlate to an additional 'person' in employment... so an increase in population does not create an equally large increase in employment and therefore a decrease in population would have proportionally smaller decrease in the number of available jobs.

Before posting, I did a quick Google search... a few short, but notable articles are linked for your reference:

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Mice in the City

So, my Twitter followers may have heard, I'm having a few mice issues at the moment.

From growing up living at the edge of  a town in Lincolnshire, mice were quite a common occurrence, more in the garage or shed but occasionally inside due to being near the countryside, so I have not been that concerned but being invaded in central London on the first and second floor of a house with mice is a worry.

I wasn't quite sure where to buy a mousetrap, so I thought 'Where's the most deprived area near me?' and just by chance Chapel Market at Angel happened to have them in mass supply, indeed, an entire unit in a hardware store had devices and things to kill just about every kind of pest imaginable! Clearly, we are not alone, in more ways than one.

Within 24 hours I had success, shockingly, two baby mice in one trap... even vermin is on special offer at the moment it seems!

I do wonder however a) how on earth the mice got b) how many more do we have to kill and c) is this going to be a long running saga (especially due to baby mice)?!

I was hoping the issue was over, however, I had a confirmed sighting of baby mouse three earlier this evening, so I put more cheese on the traps and left the living room.

Anyhow, a random blog I admit, and I'll keep you updated... unless I get bitten by a mouse, get tetanus and die... but that is definitely a worst case scenario!!

Monday, 26 January 2009

The Next Steps

So, a few days into Blogging and I'm having fun.

Admittedly this is only Blog Two and I did intend Blog Two to be on the subject of the progressive London conference I went to, but I have yet to have time to write that... tomorrow... fingers crossed.

So why I am having fun? Well, not only did I step into the brave and bold world of blogging on Sunday, but I also discovered I already had a You-Tube Channel, resurrected my Picasa account, thanks to Twitter follower Rob I discovered Jing and whilst browing the iPhone App Store I found Evernote

My You-Tube Channel is still in a very basic stage, I've just added some old videos to see what it can do and I've spent the evening mass uploading photos to Picasa to have a play with editing and organsing tomorrow... now I've got a reason to photograph and also video I'll make sure I carry my camera around with me much more. As an aside, has anyone got a Flip ? I was tempted a couple of weeks ago but didn't buy, I do have a perfectly fine digital camera, but, they are just erm, quite cool?!

Once I've got my head around YT and Picasa a bit more I'll post links and probably manage to somehow involve them in this very blog!

Let me know if you are using any 'new web' applications, either top tips for the ones I mentioned or any you find really useful (what is even the correct name for things like this now? 2.0, social networking, sharing!?).

I do have to admit that I have no actual time on my hands, my final ten weeks of University, started, errrr, today... but I'm having so much fun learning I just want to keep on playing with this technology!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Blog One.

Okay, so, here goes...

First of all, thanks for reading Blog One, this could be the start of something historical, probably not, but then, you never know...

Two reasons for starting a blog really, I recently started to use Twitter, I've found slightly addictive, (if you are a follower, fabulous, if not, join Twitter and we can become followers) but sometimes you want to say more than 140 characters, especially since I do enjoy reading what other people are up to and hopefully they like to find out what I am up-to.

Secondly, I was at a Progressive London Conference yesterday, I'm not really political, but I do have views, so just thought I'd pop a long and see what it was like... I'll probably do a further blog soon with some thoughts about that event, but I felt like I'd quite like a way of sharing and getting feedback on things I, read, see, believe, do etc. and this is probably the best way to do it.

So, hardly the most riveting Blog One, but everyone has to start somewhere. I'm sure like many people you have started a diary and never got past January - I never normally get past the first week - but this year I've started one,  with just enough space for a couple of daily person musings, and I'm still going strong, so hopefully, my new found ability to write and share will keep this going too.

All the best.